Happy madness day dude!!
Heh, nothing personal, Kid.
Age 29, Male
Australian oligarch
The school of life
Victoria, Australia
Joined on 4/4/09
Happy madness day dude!!
Happy Madness Day ^^
Wait, Madness Day already started, and it's not tomorrow, or in 21 hours or something?
I am LATE?
Friggin Aussie timezones :\
Just now realize that I'm a day early or something.
Happy Madness Day!
And to you as well :)
HELL YEAH!! Tomorrow is MADNESS DAY! I already made something! Go to my Art Page, and look at ERROR! .
Madness dayz!
I just realize you used your own sprites XD Its hard to tell.
Mine R bettah
Happy Madness Day everyone!
Happy Madness Day!
And vice versa, Tom :)
Bangbang, badass!
Best kill:
*A.T.P. agent clicking stuff on computer*
Agent: "OH NOES!!"
*Bang, bzzzt BOOM!*
Poor fellah :C
well done good sir, you get more views than my movie...damn
Yeah, I'm very surprised by that.
Yours was clearly the better of the bunch.
you are the most liked by our madness fans.
congratulation, and im regretting to not finishing mine...
Im da coolest gi evr
Woo! Happy Madness. Belated.
Thanks :)
Gibb I feel sorry for you, you keep getting silver daily trophies and never managed to achieve gold.
I crie errytiem ;'(
Madness isn't on it's deathbed, naah. Even if there weren't many big huge blockbuters this madness day, it's still always nice to see what everyone creates for their own contribution.
It's nice to see, but all the guys up top are leaving, there's only a few left.
Yes but, as long as many people like you still show interest in madness and keep submitting thins for madness days, it lives, and some of you new guys will eventually become "top guys" as time goes on and you keep at it. I know it can happen. Even those top guys started as n00biess.
Heh, for proof, see my first uploaded thing here.
Mr Mood raiser c:
You're not a noobie though as I reviewed you made a good movie.
lmfao yup, exactly. (: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/573071 You've majorly improved from this aha.
Very much so...
I'm su jellaalalouulldzldlz
abuut dem sprituz u hav. lel
Ur su jelly, I'm temtpd 2 eet u